ورود عقاب عصبانی به ساختمان مسکونی

ساخت وبلاگ
'); // remove any current content inside this ticker $(settings.dom.wrapperID).children().remove(); $(settings.dom.wrapperID).append(''); $(settings.dom.wrapperID).removeClass('no-js').addClass('ticker-wrapper has-js ' + opts.direction); // hide the ticker $(settings.dom.tickerElem + ',' + settings.dom.contentID).hide(); // add the controls to the DOM if required if (opts.controls) { // add related events - set functions to run on given event $(settings.dom.controlsID).live('click mouseover mousedown mouseout mouseup', function (e) { var button = e.target.id; if (e.type == 'click') { switch (button) { case settings.dom.prevID.replace('#', ''): // show previous item settings.paused = true; $(settings.dom.playPauseID).addClass('paused'); manualChangeContent('prev'); break; case settings.dom.nextID.replace('#', ''): // show next item settings.paused = true; $(settings.dom.playPauseID).addClass('paused'); manualChangeContent('next'); break; case settings.dom.playPauseID.replace('#', ''): // play or pause the ticker if (settings.play == true) { settings.paused = true; $(settings.dom.playPauseID).addClass('paused'); pauseTicker(); } else { settings.paused = false; $(settings.dom.playPauseID).removeClass('paused'); restartTicker(); } break; } } else if (e.type == 'mouseover' && $('#' + button).hasClass('controls')) { $('#' + button).addClass('over'); } else if (e.type == 'mousedown' && $('#' + button).hasClass('controls')) { $('#' + button).addClass('down'); } else if (e.type == 'mouseup' && $('#' + button).hasClass('controls')) { $('#' + button).removeClass('down'); } else if (e.type == 'mouseout' && $('#' + button).hasClass('controls')) { $('#' + button).removeClass('over'); } }); // add controls HTML to DOM $(settings.dom.wrapperID).append(''); } if (opts.displayType != 'fade') { // add mouse over on the content $(settings.dom.contentID).mouseover(function () { if (settings.paused == false) { pauseTicker(); } }).mouseout(function () { if (settings.paused == false) { restartTicker(); } }); } // we may have to wait for the ajax call to finish here if (!opts.ajaxFeed) { setupContentAndTriggerDisplay(); } } /* Start to process the content for this ticker */ function processContent() { // check to see if we need to load content if (settings.contentLoaded == false) { // construct content if (opts.ajaxFeed) { if (opts.feedType == 'xml') { $.ajax({ url: opts.feedUrl, cache: false, dataType: opts.feedType, async: true, success: function(data){ count = 0; // get the 'root' node for (var a = 0; a ' + title + '' }; count++; title = false; link = false; } } } } // quick check here to see if we actually have any content - log error if not if (countSize(settings.newsArr 0) { $(newsID + ' LI').each(function (i) { // maybe this could be one whole object and not an array of objects? settings.newsArr['item-' + i] = { type: opts.titleText, content: $(this).html()}; }); } else { debugError('Couldn't find HTML any content for the ticker to use!'); return false; } } else { debugError('The ticker is set to not use any types of content! Check the settings for the ticker.'); return false; } } } function setupContentAndTriggerDisplay() { settings.contentLoaded = true; // update the ticker content with the correct item // insert news content into DOM $(settings.dom.titleElem).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].type); $(settings.dom.contentID).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].content); // set the next content item to be used - loop round if we are at the end of the content if (settings.position == (countSize(settings.newsArr) -1)) { settings.position = 0; } else { settings.position++; } // get the values of content and set the time of the reveal (so all reveals have the same speed regardless of content size) distance = $(settings.dom.contentID).width(); time = distance / opts.speed; // start the ticker animation revealContent(); } // slide back cover or fade in content function revealContent() { $(settings.dom.contentID).css('opacity', '1'); if(settings.play) { // get the width of the title element to offset the content and reveal var offset = $(settings.dom.titleID).width() + 20; $(settings.dom.revealID).css(opts.direction, offset + 'px'); // show the reveal element and start the animation if (opts.displayType == 'fade') { // fade in effect ticker $(settings.dom.revealID).hide(0, function () { $(settings.dom.contentID).css(opts.direction, offset + 'px').fadeIn(opts.fadeInSpeed, postReveal); }); } else if (opts.displayType == 'scroll') { // to code } else { // default bbc scroll effect $(settings.dom.revealElem).show(0, function () { $(settings.dom.contentID).css(opts.direction, offset + 'px').show(); // set our animation direction animationAction = opts.direction == 'right' ? { marginRight: distance + 'px'} : { marginLeft: distance + 'px' }; $(settings.dom.revealID).css('margin-' + opts.direction, '0px').delay(20).animate(animationAction, time, 'linear', postReveal); }); } } else { return false; } }; // here we hide the current content and reset the ticker elements to a default state ready for the next ticker item function postReveal() { if(settings.play) { // we have to separately fade the content out here to get around an IE bug - needs further investigation $(settings.dom.contentID).delay(opts.pauseOnItems).fadeOut(opts.fadeOutSpeed); // deal with the rest of the content, prepare the DOM and trigger the next ticker if (opts.displayType == 'fade') { $(settings.dom.contentID).fadeOut(opts.fadeOutSpeed, function () { $(settings.dom.wrapperID) .find(settings.dom.revealElem + ',' + settings.dom.contentID) .hide() .end().find(settings.dom.tickerID + ',' + settings.dom.revealID) .show() .end().find(settings.dom.tickerID + ',' + settings.dom.revealID) .removeAttr('style'); setupContentAndTriggerDisplay(); }); } else { $(settings.dom.revealID).hide(0, function () { $(settings.dom.contentID).fadeOut(opts.fadeOutSpeed, function () { $(settings.dom.wrapperID) .find(settings.dom.revealElem + ',' + settings.dom.contentID) .hide() .end().find(settings.dom.tickerID + ',' + settings.dom.revealID) .show() .end().find(settings.dom.tickerID + ',' + settings.dom.revealID) .removeAttr('style'); setupContentAndTriggerDisplay(); }); }); } } else { $(settings.dom.revealElem).hide(); } } // pause ticker function pauseTicker() { settings.play = false; // stop animation and show content - must pass "true, true" to the stop function, or we can get some funky behaviour $(settings.dom.tickerID + ',' + settings.dom.revealID + ',' + settings.dom.titleID + ',' + settings.dom.titleElem + ',' + settings.dom.revealElem + ',' + settings.dom.contentID).stop(true, true); $(settings.dom.revealID + ',' + settings.dom.revealElem).hide(); $(settings.dom.wrapperID) .find(settings.dom.titleID + ',' + settings.dom.titleElem).show() .end().find(settings.dom.contentID).show(); } // play ticker function restartTicker() { settings.play = true; settings.paused = false; // start the ticker again postReveal(); } // change the content on user input function manualChangeContent(direction) { pauseTicker(); switch (direction) { case 'prev': if (settings.position == 0) { settings.position = countSize(settings.newsArr) -2; } else if (settings.position == 1) { settings.position = countSize(settings.newsArr) -1; } else { settings.position = settings.position - 2; } $(settings.dom.titleElem).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].type); $(settings.dom.contentID).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].content); break; case 'next': $(settings.dom.titleElem).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].type); $(settings.dom.contentID).html(settings.newsArr['item-' + settings.position].content); break; } // set the next content item to be used - loop round if we are at the end of the content if (settings.position == (countSize(settings.newsArr) -1)) { settings.position = 0; } else { settings.position++; } } }); }; // plugin defaults - added as a property on our plugin function $.fn.ticker.defaults = { speed: 0.10, ajaxFeed: false, feedUrl: '', feedType: 'xml', displayType: 'reveal', htmlFeed: true, debugMode: true, controls: true, direction: 'rtl', pauseOnItems: 3000, fadeInSpeed: 600, fadeOutSpeed: 300 }; })(jQuery); مرکز اخبار فیلم ایران اسلامی...
ما را در سایت مرکز اخبار فیلم ایران اسلامی دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : بازدید : 502 تاريخ : پنجشنبه 17 خرداد 1397 ساعت: 21:53
